Federal Judge Weighs Civil Rights Deal after Breonna Taylor
An image of Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old black woman who was fatally shot by police in her Louisville, Ky., apartment. Associated Press / Photo by Jacquelyn Martin, File ...
An image of Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old black woman who was fatally shot by police in her Louisville, Ky., apartment. Associated Press / Photo by Jacquelyn Martin, File ...
GREEN LAKE, Wis. (BP) – The need is so great in Southeast Asia that the Hmong Baptist National Association increased its budget by $100,000 to help.
The United States has reduced the resettlement of Christians fleeing global persecution by 70 % since 2016.
A network of pro-life pregnancy centers that saw one of its offices vandalized multiple times by pro-abortion activists is suing two individuals responsible for attacks against the facility after the ...
A New Jersey man who wants to run for Congress next year has sued the state over its requirement that candidates sign a nominating petition including the affirmation “so help me God.”
A German homeschooling Christian family facing deportation after living in the United States for 15 years has been given a one-year stay of removal, according to a new report
Bishop Robert L Carter, a husband, father of four and high-ranking leader in the International Bible Way Church of Jesus Christ, Inc , USA , has been arrested after allegedly raping a family member ...
The Rev George Mason, the former senior pastor of the Wilshire Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, who had gone to Israel to observe peacebuilding work between Israelis and Palestinians, is now stuck in ...
Phillips' attorneys hope the Court will apply the same ruling that prevailed in the Creative v. Elenis victory in June
A parental advisory group is calling on streaming services to provide more family-friendly entertainment after its latest report found the amount of mature content across major platforms outnumbers ...
With the conflict expected to rage for some time, Send Relief is working with partners in the area to quickly respond to needs of the thousands of Jews and Arabs reeling from the effects of war and displacement.