BRASILIA, Brazil -- Brandon Winkler felt a little uncomfortable, he said, when he was asked to lead worship on a Sunday morning in Brasilia. He wasn’t uncomfortable in his guitar playing. He had played these songs before. The challenge for him was the setting.
Once relegated exclusively to gay bars and nightclubs, drag is increasingly in the open these days — at libraries, music festivals, and, yes, churches.
The Robert Morris scandal has rocked the Christian church, with new details and claims sparking questions, concerns and lament The Christian Post s Leonardo Blair, who has been at the forefront of ...
RIVERSIDE, Ala. – Riverside Baptist Church was destroyed by fire early Thursday morning (June 20) after it was struck by a car that apparently missed a sharp curve outside the church.
NASHVILLE (BP) – A flurry of traditional and social media discussion surrounding two SBC resolutions (one on in vitro fertilization, the other on religious liberty) has provoked clarifications among Southern Baptists following the Convention’s Annual Meeting June 11-12 in Indianapolis.
When former Hillsong NYC pastor Carl Lentz announced that he was launching a new podcast with his wife Laura this month, a lot of people had one question:
Two commissions overseeing research into the denomination's part in the assimilationist schools are asking Episcopal bishops to grant access to archives in their regions and to recruit research assistants of their own.
INDIANAPOLIS (BP) – Across from the CP Stage in the Exhibit Hall was the multi-station All Nations booth, where messengers and guests to the 2024 SBC Annual Meeting could find information and people to talk with about global missions across the United States.
Watermark Community Church Pastor Timothy TA Ateek discussed his struggles with pornography and how he found freedom from his addiction through Christ, telling a young adult gathering porn can ...