Biography to detail McConnell criticisms of Trump | WORLD
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Biography to detail McConnell criticisms of Trump

A new book about Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell due out before the Nov. 5 election will detail misgivings he’s had about Trump and his political movement. In the book, the Kentucky Republican is quoted as saying former President Ronald Reagan would not recognize the modern Republican Party, CNN reported. The book also recalls how McConnell after the 2020 election privately called Trump an ill-tempered narcissist, the Associated Press reported. WORLD has requested a review copy of the book.

The criticisms appear in an upcoming book, The Price of Power, written by Associated Press Deputy Washington Bureau Chief Michael Tackett. McConnell made the criticisms in private oral histories he recorded earlier and provided to Tackett for the book, according to the Associated Press. The biography, which Simon & Schuster plans to release on Tuesday, also details McConnell’s childhood struggle with polio, his personal politics, and his leadership history within the U.S. Senate. He earlier announced plans to step down from his leadership post in the U.S. Senate at the end of the year while finishing out his term, which extends through 2026.

What relationship have the two Republican leaders had in the past? McConnell and Trump have criticized each other for years, ever since the former president descended the escalator in Trump Tower in 2015 and promised to run for president. The two have also repeatedly made up after descending into public spats over the years. Earlier this year, McConnell officially endorsed Trump as his pick for the presidency. The Trump campaign highlighted that fact in response to a request for comment by WORLD. McConnell’s endorsement followed criticisms of the president’s behavior leading up to Jan. 6, 2021.

Dig deeper: Read Carolina Lumetta’s report in The Stew about the meaning of the term MAGA and whether it’s about Trump or something much bigger.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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Sen. McConnell’s endorsement of President Trump: “During his Presidency, we worked together to accomplish great things for the American people including tax reform that supercharged our economy and a generational change of our federal judiciary - most importantly, the Supreme Court. I look forward to the opportunity of switching from playing defense against the terrible policies the Biden [Harris] administration has pursued to a sustained offense geared towards making a real difference in improving the lives of the American people."

It’s simple. No hearsay, no smears, just about track record and results (without even considering that over 90% of VP Harris's staff left in last three years and for months, the vice president has battled the narrative that her office has been dysfunctional). Sen. McConnell understands it to this day that whatever his personal opinion is of President Trump, it is irrelevant when it comes to policy and what is best for the country.


McConnell is absolutely correct in his views of Trump. The fact he would still endorse a person he believes is a "despicable human" reveals he is no patriot, putting party over country. Still, he is correct in his estimation.

Many of the people closest to Trump, conservative republicans, most of them Christians, have come out and spoken about his unfitness for office. Again, these are not radical/leftist/democrats, but the people who worked for Trump. Trump is a pathological liar. I believe the people who worked for him and knew him. I believe his former VP, Pence. But there are many more:

John F. Kelly, retired U.S. Marine Corps general, and Trump's Chief of Staff has come out and called Trump a Fascist who said he wanted generals like Hitler had.

General Milley, General Mattis, Lieutenant General McMaster, and Lieutenant Colonel Esper have made the same or similar criticisms. I believe the Generals. Why would I believe a serial liar like Trump who had his daddy get a doctor to make up some bone spur issue so he could avoid Vietnam?

I believe the generals and Lieutenants.


Scots WhaHae

Gotta love it when the “October surprises” include a well-timed shot to the head from the “leader” of “your own party.” Disgusting,

Trump takes hits — physical & political — from both sides in a sinister systematic attack. It’s all out war…

Trump vs Establishment

MinnieKinsScots WhaHae

Given that Trump literally did get shot in the head (and by the mercy of God, it only grazed his ear), I find your choice of metaphor in appallingly poor taste. There's no real comparison between the two actions.

Criticism is not attempted murder, not by a long shot. *Hating* someone is as bad as murder, as Jesus described in the Sermon on the Mount, but equating political dissent and distaste for the man's character as "a shot to the head" is entirely out of line.

Scots WhaHaeMinnieKins

What you consider “entirely out if line” is irrelevant & irrational. Mitch’s shots are not “criticism”… they are another well-timed, pre-planned, locked & loaded attempted political assassination. It’s intended to do more than graze his proverbial ear. It’s intended to politically finish the job that assassins physically failed to finish. By the grace of God, it will fail to take him out.

You don’t find aiding & abetting Harris waltzing into power entirely out of line… but a perfectly fitting metaphor — “physical & political” — triggers outrage. Outrageous.

Tell it to the SCOTUS when Roe is restored as the law of the land, to the castrated trans kids who kill themselves, the border crossing crimes w/ drugs-sex-murders, the arresting of 1st & 2nd Amendment w/ your 3rd party vote. The mayhem you’re condoning is not a mere metaphor. Life & death. Jesus discusses caring for little children. Talk about out of line.